Criminal Defense Attorney in Jacksonville, FL
Criminal Defense Areas of PracticeWhether you have been through the criminal justice system in the past or if this is your first time, it is important to have legal representatives with experience in handling the type of allegations against you to ensure the best possible outcome. At Lufrano Legal, P.A., criminal defense is our only focus and we are prepared to defend you whether your case is at the pretrial, trial, or appeal stage.
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Expert Criminal Defense Attorney in Jacksonville, FL
Criminal DUI Defense Lawyer
Additionally, there are a variety of factors that may impact the severity of the offense you are facing, including but not limited to; whether there was a crash, if anyone died or sustained serious bodily injury, whether minors were present, if a person has prior DUI convictions, and what a person’s blood or breath alcohol content was if such a sample was provided. At Lufrano Legal, P.A., our firm has the experience necessary to provide expert DUI defense.
First-Time Criminal DUI Defense Attorney
It’s also worth knowing that the minimum penalties for a DUI, even a first time DUI, are typically quite steep. These penalties include a conviction of the offense along with a six-month driver’s license suspension, a period of probation, completion of DUI school, attending a victim impact panel, 50 hours of community service, a 10 day suspension of your vehicle’s tag, as well as court costs and a fine which will total at least one thousand dollars. But again those are just the minimums, as a conviction for a standard first time DUI can carry a jail sentence of up to six months. However, in some circumstances, the possible sentence may be even longer.
Now in Florida prosecutors have a variety of theories through which they can try to prove that an individual committed the crime of driving under the influence. But to prove such an offense the prosecutors must present evidence that proves beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt the elements of the offense of DUI. Now this offense has two major elements, but the element that is usually in question in these cases is the impairment element. Now there are two theories under which the State of Florida can seek to prove impairment, the first is to show that an individual had a blood or breath alcohol level above a 0.08. The other theory the State can use to try and prove this impairment element is to introduce evidence to show that a person’s normal faculties, (like the ability to see, hear, walk, talk, drive a car, or make decisions) were impaired by alcohol.
So if you or a friend have been accused of DUI, your best next step is to talk to an experienced first-time DUI defense attorney.
CDL DUI Defense Attorney
The next challenge a CDL holder faces is the loss of earning capacity. A first offense alone will disqualify a driver from holding a commercial driver’s license for a year. And, a subsequent offense–or, a single DUI in combination with certain other violations–can mean a lifetime CDL disqualification. If you make your living with a CDL and have been charged with driving under the influence, it’s in your best interest to contact a CDL DUI defense attorney right now.
Criminal DUI With Injuries Defense Attorney
It’s also worth noting that Florida law allows enforcement officers to insist on a chemical test when suspected driving under the influence ends in an accident that seriously injures or kills someone. The officer may even use reasonable force to obtain a blood sample for testing. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t fight the charges. An experienced DUI with injuries defense attorney will be able to explain in greater detail what constitutes serious bodily injury and what defenses may be available to you.
Drug Crime Defense Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL
Were that not enough, it’s also critical to know that any conviction for a drug offense in Florida will result in the suspension of one’s privilege to drive. With so much at stake you or your loved one need an attorney with the experience and knowledge to handle such allegations; you need the drug crime attorney at Lufrano Legal, P.A.
Criminal Drug Possession Defense Attorney
If you’re facing drug possession charges in Jacksonville or another part of Florida, it’s important to make sure you fully understand your rights and options. Florida drug courts may provide a path to recovery and rebuilding without incarceration for many defendants. When more serious charges are involved, such as possession with intent to deliver, you may be facing years in prison. So, it is critical to work with a drug possession lawyer who understands the possible defenses and where to look for weaknesses in the state’s case.
White Collar Criminal Defense Attorney
Criminal Fraud Defense Attorney
If fraud involves an organized, ongoing scheme, it may be charged as “organized fraud,” which is a more serious charge carrying more significant possible penalties. An experienced Florida fraud defense attorney can assess the strengths and weaknesses in the case against you and explain your options and the best approach to fighting the charges against you.
Embezzlement Defense Lawyer
Now as mentioned above in Florida, acts of embezzlement are charged as theft. The seriousness of the charges ranges from a misdemeanor of the second degree (with a maximum sentence of 60 days in jail) to a felony of the first degree (with a possible sentence of up to 30 years in prison). The charge is determined in large part by the value of the property. To learn more about potential defenses to Florida fraud charges, talk with a local embezzlement defense lawyer as soon as possible.
Forgery Defense Attorney
While forgery itself relates to the creation or alteration of the documents, using or passing forged instruments is also a crime. In Florida, this is called “uttering forged instruments,” and it is a felony of the third degree.
Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyer in Jacksonville, FL
Fortunately, a juvenile allegation doesn’t necessarily mean an adjudication of delinquency. The earlier in the process you involve a juvenile lawyer, the better the opportunity to move the case in a different direction and avoid the most serious consequences.
Juvenile Theft Defense Attorney
Juveniles, like adults, may face different consequences for theft crimes. Some key factors include whether the accused has a previous criminal (or juvenile) history, the value of the item or items stolen, the circumstances of the theft, and more. In a juvenile case, variables like family involvement also come into play. It’s also worth noting that convictions for crimes involving theft can be considered in Courts when weighing someone’s credibility.
Additionally while the goals of the juvenile delinquency court’s are different from those of adult criminal court, the importance of any proceeding in juvenile court cannot be understated. If your child has been alleged to have committed a theft, it’s best to speak with a juvenile theft attorney before you make any decisions about how to proceed.
Juvenile Assault and Battery Defense Attorney
A juvenile facing allegations of assault or battery may have an opportunity to enter into a diversion program that could ultimately mean charges are dismissed. Or, the juvenile might be adjudicated delinquent, or–in some circumstances–transferred to adult court. Thus the decisions a family makes from the beginning of a case can impact the child’s options. So, it’s wise to speak to a juvenile assault and battery attorney as early in the process as possible.
Criminal Theft Defense Attorney in Jacksonville, FL
Additionally, theft offenses in Florida are enhanceable in severity based on the number of prior theft convictions an individual has. As such it’s critical to have the right legal team on your side. Our Jacksonville theft defense attorneys are prepared to provide an expert defense, with the goal of minimizing the consequences of such an allegation and obtaining a positive courtroom outcome.
Burglary Defense Attorney
So, if you or a loved one is arrested for burglary and you have questions, know that the firm of Lufrano Legal, P.A. is here to help. Additionally, as experts in the field and after years of experience representing clients charged with all varieties of burglaries the firm of Lufrano Legal, P.A. can help prepare a comprehensive plan to address any burglary allegation.
Robbery Defense Lawyer
Domestic Violence Lawyer
Assault and Battery Defense Attorney
Charges of assault or battery are significant not only because of the potential penalties they carry, but also because such charges may limit a client’s freedom, and may also impact a person’s ability to hold certain jobs, find housing, and possess firearms. So don’t stay in the dark, contact the firm of Lufrano Legal, P.A. for advice and understanding that can make a difference.
Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer
It’s also important to take into account your previous driving record and how the additional points attached to a new ticket could impact your driving privileges. If you have been cited for a traffic violation or traffic crime and are at risk of driver’s license suspension, criminal prosecution, or other serious consequences, it’s in your best interest to speak with a Florida traffic ticket lawyer before you make any decisions.
Gun Crime Defense Lawyer
In fact, here in Florida, pursuant to Florida Statute 775.087(2), also known as the 10-20-Life law, the possession or discharge of a firearm during particular offenses often carries with it significant mandatory minimum prison sentences. So if you or a loved one has been arrested for a gun crime, you need a criminal defense lawyer who will fight for your freedom and your future. Call Lufrano Legal, P.A., immediately—we can be reached 24/7 for an initial free consultation.
Probation Violation Defense Lawyer
“Probation violation” may not sound serious, but don’t be deceived. Probationary violations can carry similar penalties to the underlying criminal act that resulted in a defendant being placed on probation. Were that not scary enough the standard of proof required for a prosecutor to prove such a violation is significantly lower than a new criminal charge.That means that a relatively small slip-up while on probation could potentially result in a lengthy jail or prison sentence.
Of course, not all probation violations are created equal. Technical violations are often treated more leniently than substantive violations. For example, failing to update your phone number with the probation officer promptly will be a violation in most cases. If the probation officer believes it was an honest mistake, they may choose to overlook the violation. But, there’s no guarantee. And, the more serious the violation is, the more likely it is that there will be serious consequences. Prior violations may also impact the way probation officers and courts treat an alleged violation.
If you’re on probation and have been accused of a violation, it’s important that you understand what may be at stake and take action to protect yourself as quickly as possible. A Florida probation violation lawyer can be your best resource.
Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer
Facing a sex crime charge can be life-altering, with severe penalties and lasting personal consequences. Our experienced Jacksonville sex crime defense lawyers provide aggressive, discreet, and compassionate legal representation for individuals accused of sex crimes, including sexual assault, solicitation, and possession of illegal materials.
We understand the high stakes involved and are committed to protecting your rights and reputation. Contact us today to build a strong defense and secure the legal help you need.
Why You Need a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer
Lufrano Legal, P.A. is ready to be your advocate and your guide through the criminal justice system. The firm will work every day within that system and, as a Jacksonville criminal defense attorney, Lufrano Legal, P.A. has insights into local law enforcement agencies and local prosecutors. Contact the firm any time of day or night, any day of the year, for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss the details of your case.
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Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer FAQs
What does a criminal defense lawyer do?
- Navigating deadlines and procedural requirements
- Advising you of your options and the risks and benefits of each
- Interviewing witnesses
- Examining the evidence against you and identifying weaknesses in the prosecution’s case
- Hiring and working with experts where needed to evaluate the evidence or refute the prosecution’s conclusions
- Negotiating with the prosecution
- Fulfilling discovery requirements
- Preparing witnesses and evidence for trial
- Litigating pre-trial issues such as motions to suppress evidence or moving to limit witness testimony
- Cross-examining the prosecution’s witnesses
- Presenting your case and holding the prosecution to its high burden of proof
The criminal court system can be overwhelming, and it is easy to make mistakes if you’re not familiar with the law and procedural requirements. A seasoned local defense attorney understands the process and knows what is required to build and present the strongest case on your behalf.
When should I contact a Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer?
The law firm of Lufrano Legal, P.A. offer free consultations, so there’s no reason to delay getting the advice you need to make good decisions about how to proceed with your case.
Why do I need a criminal defense lawyer?
An experienced Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer can navigate the technical and procedural requirements on your behalf, assess your case for possible defenses, negotiate with the prosecution using weak points identified in that assessment, and—if it’s in your best interest—hold the prosecution to its strict burden of proof at trial.
How do I know if a criminal defense lawyer is right for me?
First and foremost, it’s important that your criminal defense attorney have in-depth knowledge of Florida criminal law and local courtroom procedures. The Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer at Lufrano Legal, P.A. has extensive criminal trial experience.
But, the firm knows that knowledge and experience are just one aspect of great service to our clients. That’s why we go above and beyond with every client. We’ll listen to your concerns, investigate your case, and tailor our approach to your circumstances and priorities. We’re accessible, and you will always be up to date on what is happening with your case.
Does it ever make sense to plead guilty?
If you are considering pleading guilty to a crime, it is in your best interest to speak with a Jacksonville criminal defense attorney first. An experienced criminal lawyer can advise you of any and all strengths and weaknesses in your case and, if you still want to plead guilty, can use such information to negotiate for a more favorable plea agreement.
What’s the worst that can happen in my criminal defense case?
Many people facing criminal charges ask what the worst possible outcome is. Of course, the answer to this question differs depending on the charges, the defendant’s prior criminal history, and a variety of other factors. But, it is an important question to ask before making any decisions. Some types of criminal convictions have consequences you may not have considered. For example, some convictions may impact your ability to work in certain fields, to own weapons, or even to live in certain areas.
When you retain a Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer from Lufrano Legal, P.A., you can breathe easy knowing that you have an experienced advocate on your side and that your attorney will make sure you fully understand the possible consequences and how you can best protect yourself.
I’m charged with a misdemeanor—could I go to jail?
What happens in a Florida criminal trial?
If you’ve chosen a jury trial, the process will begin with jury selection. Since the prosecutor has the burden of proving each element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt, the state will present its evidence first. Your attorney will have the opportunity to question each of the witnesses after the prosecution makes its direct examination or questions its witness. When the prosecution has presented all of its evidence, it’s your turn to call witnesses and present any other evidence you may have.
Your attorney and the prosecutor will each have a chance to make a closing argument, and then the judge will give instructions to the jury and send them to the jury room to discuss your case and decide on a verdict.
Depending on the crime you are charged with, the number of witnesses and the complexity of the evidence, a criminal trial may take just a few hours or may go on for several days.