Criminal Defense & Appeals Blog
Simplifying and Explaining Florida Criminal LawCan a Passenger Be Charged with DUI in Florida?
Getting in the car with a drunk driver is a poor choice, and can put you at great physical risk. But, can taking that ride also put you in legal jeopardy? The answer to that question is a bit more...
How to Handle Criminal Charges if You’re an Innocent Defendant
Many people mistakenly believe that only guilty people are arrested and charged with crimes. Unfortunately, that’s not even close to true. Innocent people are suspected and accused of crimes all the...
Fighting Your DUI Charge: Rising Blood Alcohol Defense
You probably know that blood alcohol content (BAC) plays a critical role in many DUI cases. Furthermore, the law as it stands in Florida may make it seem like the deck is stacked against the driver....
How a Criminal Attorney Can Help You Negotiate the Right Plea Agreement for Your Situation
If you’re going to enter into a plea agreement, you may be unsure whether you need a Jacksonville criminal lawyer on your side. But, not all plea agreements are created equal. And, if you’re...
Why You Should Hire a DUI Attorney
When you’re facing criminal charges, there’s a lot at stake. Most people recognize that when they’re charged with certain types of crimes. Few people would decide to show up in court alone and see...
Best Practices for Working With Your Criminal Defense Lawyer
When you’ve been accused of a crime, the right criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference. Too often, people who are unfamiliar with the Florida criminal justice system make serious...
What are the Types of Pleas in a Criminal Law Case?
With regards to criminal cases in Florida, there are technically four different potential responses that a Defendant can elect to make when formally charged at an arraignment. These options include...
Should I Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney if I Plan to Plead Guilty?
Many people who have been charged with crimes in Florida assume there’s no point in hiring a criminal defense lawyer if they’re planning to enter a guilty plea. That’s usually a mistake. Here are...
Why, When, and How You Should Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Florida
At its most basic level an injunction is a court order instructing someone to stop engaging in a particular type of behavior. Now, while an injunction can be sought as a legal remedy in a variety of situations perhaps the most significant would be injunctions for protection.
How to File a Restraining Order in Florida: A Step-by-Step Guide
If you’ve been the victim of physical violence or have been threatened with violence, you may be able to get a restraining order to protect yourself. In some cases, a temporary restraining order may...
In Florida, What Does a Withhold of Adjudication or Adjudication Withheld Mean?
On television, criminal cases almost always end in either a conviction or a dramatic finding of not guilty. Occasionally, charges are dismissed. But, in the Florida criminal justice system, the...
How Does Bail Work in Florida?
At its most basic level an injunction is a court order instructing someone to stop engaging in a particular type of behavior. Now, while an injunction can be sought as a legal remedy in a variety of situations perhaps the most significant would be injunctions for protection.